Get to know the people behind Årsfesten 2024
... and read about their favourite Årsfest hacks

Nickolai Vesti Isø
Join the pre-party hosted by Queer Culture Club. Here, you can get ready before the festival site opens by enjoying cheep drinks and eat food

Christine Natalie Nielsen
Bar & HR
Bring a lot of friends and show them how great RUC is!

William Horn
Chairperson & Safety
Bring your biggest small-talker game and use Årsfesten to meet all your fellow RUC students

Veronica Torp
Bar & HR
Remember to put your computer and a warm jacket in the wardrobe!

Erin McDermott
Bring your old friend group or your new best RUC-friends. It's a great way to get to know each other even better!

Kirstine Vinther Christensen
Bar & KÆP
Join the day-events. In that way you'll definetely get a great start of the evening!

Emily Haslund
Chairperson & Safety
Remember practical clothes

Emil L. Kragelund
Bar & HR
If someone offers rum and coke - say yes.. unless it's a stranger

Julie Ortved Gang
Music & Safety
Remember to eat and drink so that you'll be able to stay out all night and keep the energy high... and no - beer doesn't count!

Bertram Kabell
Music & Safety
As long as you don't get so drunk that you have to leave early and then suddenly find yourself being at Humlebæk station... Then you're guaranteed a great evening!

Mathias Klink Hede
Safety & KÆP
Make sure to stretch. Your body have to be limber!!!

Nanna Bank Petterson
Music & HR
Listen to ALL the music

Trine Bekner
Look at it as a marathon - not a sprint

Anna Eckersberg
Bar & PR
Practice your best pick-up line. Bodegaen is a great place to meet your new best friend ;-)

Sarah Quintana
Safety & Music
Just join - it'll be fun as f
Also, meet our skilled Orange Guard Leaders
Orange guard leaders are employed by Kamarillaen and have the over all responsibility for our orange guards both before, during and after Årsfesten

Micky Winther Ronnenberg
Orang Guard Leader
Remeber to eat during the night and make sure your hangover cure is ready for the day after

Oliver Holst
Orange Guard Leader
If you don't know the music - give them a quick listen beforehand. The concert experience always highens if you know a few songs