The history of Årsfesten
When and how was Årsfesten established? Why are members of Kamarillaen wearing Moose costumes like cracy people? Find out below!
Terrible weather, but great vibes! In 78 driving plates was not a thing and the fields of RUC was one big swamp. Thorsen told us that this year a gold shoe belonging to woman - official from the ministry of education - got stuck in the mud. The current University director who were her host had to go out in the mud to get her shoe. Despite the terrible weather the vibes were good!
The principal held an official ceremoni. Lector Henrik Thorsen was a part of Årsfesten from the beginning with the ambition to make the greatest RUC celebration
From house parties to a revue!
In the beginning of the 80's Årsfesten changed. In the evenings a revue made by both students and staff played circling around current political topics. One of the revues had a sketch were Thorsen played Bertel Haarder - He ''Bertelman'' called RUC from his Bat-mobile and yelled in the phone ''Clean up your mess and align yourself".
From this year Årsfesten got a coordinator: Henrik Thorsen. Parts of the responsibility that earlier was the economic office at RUC, became his with a smaller amount of money for music. He planned Årsfesten together with a group of students, sitting in the wee-known RUC-circle.
A theme! John Mogensen was celebrated in one of the houseparties. The succes was huge and therefore the theme of Årsfesten 1990 became John Mogensen.The principal of the time, Henrik Toft approved!
In 93' Årsfesten divided into two parts: the official part with the principal's speech as well as invited important guest moved inside RUC, in the newly build building 00. The students part "Årsfesten" as we know it today with music and festive events stayed outside at the rest of campus.
Årsfesten grow fast in all numbers which meant the establishment of the Kamarilla. A studentdriven volunteering organization that still today is responsible for everything in regards of planning, execution and evaluation of Årsfesten. In 1990 the Kamarilla helped Thorsen with the creative part as well as practical need to tasks. The Kamarilla was an important force which is why we today know the Kamarilla as the group of happy hardworking people behind the biggest studentdriven one-day-festival in Denmark in the honor of all RUC students, staff and friends of RUC.
Safety first! In the year of 97' the principal asked for improved safety because of the popularity. This meant meetings between Kamarillaen and the authorities regarding the execution of Årsfesten. From this year Orange Guards has been a very important part of making Årsfesten safe.
From this year you could turn on the radio and hear Årsfesten announced as a public party that you wouldn't miss! With the massive influx of guests and the growing popularity the authorities worried for peoples safety, and would only allow Årsfesten to continue if safety was improved!
The logo of the Kamarilla was made! By turning RUC's coral logo 90 degrees to the left a moose appeared. From this day Mr. Moose was born and so was ''Elgen kommer'' (Mr. moose arrives)
The Basis area is born!
With more safety restrictions follows the era of Årsfesten as we know it today: a closed party for all RUC-people and friends of RUC. With fences all around the party area, a real entrance and houseparties with a closingtime you would think of a smaller party, but instead more music, beer tents and the newborn Basis area kept the interest growing!
Basis area has its name from the bachelor educations that earlier was named ''basis educations''. In the beginning both NAT, HUM and SAM had a tent each - later on everyone basis houses applied with creative and innovative themes and events to get win a tent. For a short period of time there were even a challenge trophy for the most creative tent!
For the first time Kamarillaen tried to communicate by a German land line throughout the week of preparations. In busy situations one KAM-person could lift the receiver in one room and call another KAM-person in another room, by winding up the telephones handle. The rooms could not be further than 20 meters apart... The landline was made of two fixed line phones connected by a wire. Today the Kamarilla uses radios.
The basis area moves from the lawn behind building 14 to the football courts. This your the number of guests also grows and we could welcome students from Absalon as well!
This year was the year with most rain falling since the year of 78'.
Kamarillaen decided to change the music set-up. From this year the two smaller scenes in different tents were history. Instead the ''Avalon" tent from Roskilde Festival covers Thorsens Arena as the only music scene at Årsfesten which made it possible to invite more famous artists with bigger stage set-ups!
Årsfesten is back!
This September is the first month in since 14. March 2020 without any Covid-restrictions. Due to the past two years of insecurity with on-going changes of restrictions the Kamarilla decides to reduce the size of Årsfesten with only 5.000 tickets available.
Because of campus renovation Kamarillaen decides to change the festival site completely. Therefore the basis area is closed and instead the site is made bigger and more open.
With a storm as wild that threes were falling and tents with damages Årsfesten was in serious trouble just before the opening of the festival site.
However, with some last minute great solutions we managed to open the site only one hour late. 2018 is also the year with the biggest concert so far: Suspekt played at Thorsens Arena!
Due to the pandemic Covid-19 the Kamarilla was forced to cancel this years Årsfest.