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Join Kamarillaen 2025
If you would like to join Kamarillaen and make Årsfesten 2025 with us, you can send us your application by clicking on the button below. Deadline for submitting applications is the 3rd of January. We will be looking though the applications and calling relevant applicants on the 18th of January.
Why join Kamarillaen?
Kamarillaen, consists of 12-18 volunteer students who plan and create the one-day festival, Årsfesten, festival together! You can become a part of Kamarillaen in 2025 very soon. Read more and find out how to become part of Kamarillaen below.
We are a group of students from various fields of study and semesters - the only thing we expect from you is that you have a desire to learn all about Årsfesten, are passionate about festivalplanning, and would like to get to know sweet people. We are a social group, and we place great emphasis on doing activities together. Our experience tells us that the better we know each other, the easier and more fun it is to work together. Although it all sounds fun and cozy, we shouldn't hide the fact that it entails a lot of work. Throughout the year, we are responsible for planning Årsfesten, and it sometimes requires blood, sweat, and tears, but it's all worth it!
What do you do as part of Kamarillaen?
During the year, you should expect to spend approximately two whole weekends, four joint meetings, and the entire week leading up to Årsfesten planning the execution of the party. Additionally, you will be part of two committees (udvalg) with which you will hold meetings, as agreed upon with the others in the committee.
In Kamarillaen, we have nine internal committees:
Bar, where you get the opportunity to negotiate contracts with suppliers, ensure volunteer bartenders, and influence the selection of beverages for the annual party.
KÆP, responsible for art, events, and decoration. Here, the visual expression for the annual party is created and food stalls and events is chosen. KÆP ensures the overall physical design of the party.
Music, in the first half of the year, scouts the danish music scene for cool performers, often by attending various concerts. Later, they handle contracts and all communication with bands.
Hand Command is the committee that, in the week leading up to the annual celebration, ensures all the cool hands (volunteers) who come to help us. In Hand Command, an overview of all the tasks we need to have performed must be maintained while making sure our volunteers are enjoying their time with us.
PR is responsible for all communication with our guests. This includes graphics and printing, social media, participation in events, ticket sales, website, etc. Here, one must be involved in laying out a PR strategy for all the information that needs to go out to the guests throughout the year.
HR is responsible for all our internal meetings. They work in close collaboration with our chairpersonship to ensure and foster a good internal social environment. Ongoing workshops are planned for the rest of Kamarillaen, and coordination of how the year should unfold takes place.
Safety is responsible for the overall security of the annual party. Security plans and risk assessments must be made. Security is also responsible for negotiating with, choosing and cooperating with the security company that assists us during the execution of the party.
As part of Kamarillaen, you will gain experience in everything from security during a festival, concert management, bar logistics, volunteer management, and hands-on communication tasks. One thing is for sure, though: you will end each KAM year with your heart filled with new friendships.
So whether you dream of getting to know new people from other fields of study, knowing how Benal prefers their sandwiches, or where the emergency exit should be placed, you can get it by being part of Kamarillaen.
How do you become part of Kamarillaen?
If you want to join us creating Årsfesten 2025, start your application now. Here, you have to write a bit about who you are, how long you have left at RUC, and why you think it would be cool to be a part of Kamarillaen. You should also write some thoughts on which committees you see yourself in and why. If you have experience with event planning or similar, we are also interested in hearing about it.
Keep an eye on our Facebook page, where we announce information meetings and update the application deadline, which is usually in the beginning of January 2025.
We look forward to hearing from you!
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